All post in ARIA

About Writing Accessible Forms

Henri Remonen

In order for users to know how to fill out a form, it has to be accessible. For the most parts semantic HTML offers everything that is needed to succeed in this. Even thought this is the case, mostly forms are not that accessible after all by design choices or just by bad coding practices. In this article we will cover mostly everything that is needed in order to write accessible forms.
ARIA: What Every Developer Needs to Know

ARIA: What Every Developer Needs to Know

Henri Remonen

We've referred to WAI-ARIA or ARIA in our posts before. Perhaps it has been treated like some kind of fairy dust that just magically solves all the problems regarding accessibility. Well, kind of that's what it's about, but if used excessively just to boast in your tech meet-ups, you probably do not know ARIA. Stop being the that person who talks about something they do not fully understand and learn when ARIA really is useful.